Mamdoh Badran, is a watercolor painter of Egyptian origin. He graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Alexandria, Egypt, and lives and works in San Gimignano. In his studies of art in San Gimignano He permanently exhibits his works.

On him was written:

“Mamdoh Badran is an artist of profound sensations that emerge both in the themes and in the balanced harmonies of his watercolors. To works of inspiration that are expressed in disturbing ancestral forms alternate landscapes and glimpses of our lands and our villages, now almost photographic, but now evanescent, tending to that almost primordial reality that pervades a little ‘ all The work of the artist.”

Luciano Cosimo

“Mamdoh Badran, the strikingly talented Egyptian artist, once told me that when he paints, it is akin to a process of meditation: he puts aside his conscious mind and allows the process to flow through him. If, at any time, he interrupts the reverie with conscious thought to analyze what he is creating, the link is broken.”

From the book “Dowsing” by Elizabeth Brown


These are some of the works of Mamdoh Badran, landscapes, ancient villages, glimpses of the Tuscan countryside, watercolor paintings and oil.